Courses delivered through Blanchard Exchange can include a series of integrated assessments. The instructions/options listed below are broken down by assessment names since each integrated assessment may offer different functionality & features. Alternatively, each assessment may require a different set of steps to configure the delivery of the assessment when compared to other integrated assessments.
Quick Links:
LBAII Self, DISC Profile, Team Assessment, & Change Scan Assessments
LAPII Online Assessment
Team Assessment - Inviting Raters
LBAII Self, DISC Profile, Team Assessment, & Change Scan Online Assessments
When using the LBAII Self, DISC Profile, Team Assessment, or Change Scan sssessments, you have the option to modify the settings depending on who you would like to print the reports.
Report Options
A) Participants print and bring reports to the session (default setting):
If participants will be in charge of downloading and printing their reports and bringing those reports to their training, you do not need to do anything within the system to enable this function. Participants will have access to their feedback reports by default.
B) Administrators print and bring to session:
If you will be downloading and printing feedback reports for the participants, complete the steps below.
It is recommended that you adjust the deadline date of the assessment if you will be printing the reports for the participants to give yourself an extra day or two to print the reports. Follow the below steps in order to adjust the deadline:
1) From the Projects tab, select your project.
2) Select the Course tab within your project (Figure 1).
3) Locate the assessment on the list of assignments. Select the date and time listed in the "Complete by" field and choose a different date/time. Be sure to select the check mark to save your changes (Figure 2).
To block participants from being able to access their feedback report in the system after they complete the questionnaire, follow these additional steps:
4) Select the Materials tab within your project (Figure 3).
5) Locate the assessment on the list of materials. To the right of the assessment title/description, select the Actions icon (Figure 4-1), and then select Settings (Figure 4-2).
6) A window will open displaying the following options:
a) Last day for submitting questionnaires (as communicated): This field will display a deadline date directly within the questionnaire. In most cases, this field can be disregarded if a live training event is included in your course - the deadline date will generated to be based on the day before the live training event and will be visible directly on the course.
b) Last day that questionnaires can be submitted: This field acts as a "hard" deadline/cutoff. Entering a date into this field prevents Learners from completing their assessment if attempting completion following the date entered. In most cases, it is recommended to leave this field blank.
c) Do you want the participant to have access to his or her feedback report?: "On" and "Off" are two options listed for this setting. "On" indicates that the Learners will be able to download their feedback reports once the assessment has been completed. "Off" blocks the Learners from downloading their reports.
When you are ready to download and print all reports for a group:
7) Go to the Assignments tab of your project.
8) Find the "All reports (pdf-file)" and/or the "All reports (zip file)" option (Figure 5):
A) "All reports (pdf-file)" is a single PDF file that batches all available feedback reports together. This makes it easy to print all feedback reports.
B) "All reports (zip file)" zips all of the feedback reports together in case you need to email individual reports to another individual.
LAPII Online Assessment
Project Setup
If your course includes the LAPII assessment, Blanchard Exchange will include a screen to set the deadline for the LAPII as a part of your steps to set up a project. You will be presented with this screen after filling in initial project information, such as the project name, selecting the course template, and selecting the time zone for the project.
DEADLINE DATE & REPORT GENERATION: This deadline date is a required field as it also acts as a trigger to automatically generate LAPII feedback reports at midnight on the deadline date. REPORT GENERATION MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: In order for a feedback report to be generated, a learner must have completed their Self survey, and have a minimum of 3 rater responses. COURSES WITH BOTH THE LAPII PRE AND LAPII POST: Read through the initial steps below, followed by the details related to LAPII Post found further below. 60-DAY QUESTIONNAIRE WINDOW: Due to how the LAPII Pre and LAPII Post work with Blanchard Exchange, the LAPII questionnaires will be available for learners to complete as long as learners are attempting to access the questionnaire within 60 days before the deadline date referenced above. If you are attempting to launch the LAPII more than 60 days from the deadline, the "Start" button will appear for learners in their Blanchard Exchange course, but the actual questionnaire along with the rater invitation functionality will not appear until the 60-day window is reached before the scheduled deadline. |
To enter a deadline, select the Deadline Date field and enter the deadline (Figure 6-1). Then select Create Project (Figure 6-2).
If your course includes live event placeholders to enter start times, end times, and location details for training events, enter these details following the steps above.
Note that unlike other deadlines that are displayed on the right-hand side of the course, this deadline will be displayed beneath the LAPII description in the course.
Generating New Reports & Changing Deadlines
If a learner does not meet the minimum requirements to receive a feedback report (mentioned above), you can reset the deadline to a new date, allowing for a new set of reports to be processed the day after the new deadline.
If reports have been processed for learners in the project-in-question, previously, reports will only be generated for learners who are now eligible to receive a report - learners who received a report, previously, will not receive new feedback reports. |
To reset the deadline, or change the deadline for any reason, go to the Materials tab of your project and locate the LAPII Online Assessment Pre:
To the right of the product name, select the Actions menu (Figure 7-1). Then, select Settings (Figure 7-2).
You will then be taken to the same screen where you entered the LAPII deadline date, previously. Set a new deadline date, and then select the check mark to save your new deadline.
Tracking Completions
When viewing a participant's progress in Blanchard Exchange with this assessment, note that there are four status representations on the Project Status report:
- Not Started - The learner has not started their assessment.
- In Progress - This indicates that the learner has some activity recorded. The recorded activity can be a combination of any of the following: rater invitations have been sent; the learner started or completed the Self survey; raters have completed the questionnaire.
- Completed - This indicates the learner has met the minimum requirements to receive a report (Self survey completed and at least 3 rater responses).
- Overdue - This status indicates that the deadline has passed and the minimum requirements have not been met.
LAPII Post Instructions
It is recommended to have learners complete the LAPII Post assessment 6 months after the LAPII Pre assessment has been completed.
Courses that include both the LAPII Pre and LAPII Post assessments will include two different deadline dates that need to be entered as a part of the project setup. Instead of entering one deadline date, you will be presented with a screen to enter deadlines for both the LAPII Pre and the LAPII Post assessments (Figure 8).
Deadlines must be entered on this screen in order to proceed with project creation. If you have not yet determined the exact deadline that the LAPII Post should be completed, enter a deadline that is roughly 6 months from the current date - this deadline can be adjusted at a later time.
In order to adjust the deadline for the LAPII Post, apply the same instructions above under Generating Feedback Reports & Adjusting Deadlines for the LAPII Online Assessment Post in your project's list of materials.
Team Assessment - Inviting Raters
The Team Assessment allows the leader of the team to invite their team members in order to complete the assessment. There may be cases where an administrator chooses to invite the team members on behalf of the leader. The instructions below cover the steps for an administrator to add and invite team members.
Important: You must have administrative rights to the assessment platform in order to complete the steps below. To request administrative access, please contact your Blanchard Exchange support contact.
- Set up the Blanchard Exchange project and invite the leader to the course containing the Team Assessment.
- Navigate to the project's Materials tab, locate the Team Assessment, and select Administrate on Re:Box.
- Sign into the assessment platform.
- To the right of the team leader, you will see a column for "Observers". Select the total under this column, which will initially display as 0 (0). The first column indicates the number of team members who have completed the assessment, while the second total shows the total number of team members.
- There will be two choices to add the team members:
Add Observer*: This option allows you to paste in names and email addresses for multiple team members. Note the required format of the names and email addresses. You can insert multiple team members using the following format, listing each team member on their own line:
Team Member 1 <>
Team Member 2 <>
Upload Roster*: Select the Open/Download the roster template link. Fill in the template with the names and email addresses of each team member and save it to your device. Once saved, select the Browse option, locate the saved roster template, and open/upload the file.
*Before proceeding with either of these options, note the Language drop-down menu. This will set the default language for each team member.
Add Observer*: This option allows you to paste in names and email addresses for multiple team members. Note the required format of the names and email addresses. You can insert multiple team members using the following format, listing each team member on their own line:
- Once the team members have been added, select the checkbox at the top of the roster to select all individuals, followed by selecting the Invite button. On the next screen, select Send to trigger the invitations.
Administrators can also follow step 6 and send reminders to those who haven't complete the assessment by selecting the Send Reminder button instead of the Invite button.