Blanchard Exchange allows you to add unique variables to your emails to pull in dynamic content, such as a user's email address or the name of the project. For example, the "${accesslink}" variable on all Blanchard-provided email templates generates each participant's unique Blanchard Exchange login link based on project.
There are 2 sets of variable lists below: learner communication variables, and project team/email recipient communication variables. Learner communication variables apply specifically to learners, while project team/email recipient variables are used if using the automated communication feature as a notification tool for individuals in either of these target audiences.
Important!: All variables you include must be encapsulated with "${}" to work properly. Example:
Correct: ${accesslink}
Not correct: accesslink
Learner Communication Variables
${accesslink} | An individual's unique link to access their course/content | |
${orgname} | The name of your organization | Blanchard |
${name} | The user's full name (both first and last name) | Ken Blanchard |
${firstName} | The user's first name entered into the "First Name" field of Blanchard Exchange. | Ken |
${lastName} | The user's last name entered into the "Last Name" field of Blanchard Exchange. | Blanchard |
${email} | The user's primary email | |
${projectAdministrativeName} | The project title (as entered by an Administrator) shown to Learners or Team Members associated with the project. | April 21-23, 2021 - SLII Experience |
${projectName} | The Learner Portal course name | The SLII Experience |
${projectDescription} | The course description from the course template. | Welcome to The SLII Experience. You will learn a new language for leadership that will help you increase the quality and quantity of conversations you have with your team members, accelerate their development, increase their performance, and support autonomy. Becoming a situational leader will allow you to partner with those you lead, giving them what they need to succeed. |
${sliiAppActivationCode} | Contains the SLII App activation code if the product is enable for the project the mail was sent in | "1a2b3c" |
${usersite} | A url to the generic login page for Blanchard Exchange (useful for returning users, but it is recommended to primarily use ${accesslink} to generate login URLs to Blanchard Exchange) | |
${locale} | The user's preferred locale | en |
${userid} | The numerical user id. Can be used for referencing a specific user. | 132819 |
${partid} | The participation id. Can be used for referencing a specific user's participation id. | 10921679 |
Project Team/Email Recipient Communication Variables
These variables are specifically used for the Project Team and Email Recipients audiences when sending automated communications. These variables make it possible to use the automated communications feature as a notification tool.
For example, if you want to send a notification to the project team and/or specific individuals anytime a learner completes an assignment, you can create an automated communication that targets the specific assignment in your rules, followed by selecting the Project Team or the Email Recipients audiences.
The below is an example of a communication that targets completion of the SLII Challenge, and assumes that Step 1 of the automated communication rule would target the completion of this assignment. Once a learner completes this assignment, the email would be triggered to anyone listed under on the project team, or anyone listed as an email recipient/external contact. The variables listed below in the example would pull in the learner name, email address, project name, and the date/time stamp of completion.
The below example could be used to target other assignments, as well. The "SLII Challenge" portion of the message would need to be modified to the name of the assignment being tracked, and the automated communication rule would need to be reviewed to ensure it was reviewing completion of the same assignment.
${participantName} has completed the SLII Challenge
${participantName} (${participantEmail}) has completed the SLII Challenge in project ${projectAdministrativeName}.
This completion was recorded on ${datetime.full}.
${projectName} | The Learner Portal course name | The SLII Experience |
${projectDescription} | The course description from the course template. | Welcome to The SLII Experience. You will learn a new language for leadership that will help you increase the quality and quantity of conversations you have with your team members, accelerate their development, increase their performance, and support autonomy. Becoming a situational leader will allow you to partner with those you lead, giving them what they need to succeed. |
${projectAdministrativeName} | The project title (as entered by an Administrator) shown to Learners or Team Members associated with the project. | April 21-23, 2021 - SLII Experience |
${locale} | The user's preferred locale | en |
${usersite} | A url to the generic login page for Blanchard Exchange (useful for returning users, but it is recommended to primarily use ${accesslink} to generate login URLs to Blanchard Exchange) | |
${orgname} | The name of your organization | The Ken Blanchard Companies |
${name} | The recipient's full name (both first and last name) | Scott Blanchard |
${firstName} | The recipient's first name entered into the "First Name" field of Blanchard Exchange. | Scott |
${lastName} | The recipient's last name entered into the "Last Name" field of Blanchard Exchange. | Blanchard |
${userid} | The numerical user id. Can be used for referencing a specific user. | 132819 |
${email} | The recipient's primary email | |
${participantName} |
The participant's full name based on who triggered the communication (both first and last name) |
Ken Blanchard |
${participantFirstName} |
The participant's first name (given name) based on who triggered the communication |
Ken |
${participantLastName} |
The participant's last name (surname) based on who triggered the communication |
Blanchard |
${participantUserid} |
The numerical user id of the participant based on who triggered the communication. Can be used for referencing a specific user. |
132819 |
${participantEmail} |
The participant's primary email based on who triggered the communication | |
${date.short} ${date.medium} ${date.long} ${date.full} |
The current date in different date formats. The format is taken from the project |
1/1/19 2019-01-01 Tuesday January 1 2019 |
${datetime.short} ${datetime.medium} ${datetime.long} ${datetime.full} |
The current date and time in different date formats. The format is taken from the project |
1/1/19 3:00PM 2019-01-01 15:00 3 o'clock Tuesday January 1 2019 |