The project overview screen provides a series of information, including:
- The project name (entered by the administrator) (Figure 1-1)
- The last date the project was either created/updated along with the administrator who set up the project* (Figure 1-2)
- A "Preview" button** to view the course as a learner (Figure 1-3)
- A star icon - selecting this icon will mark the project as a favorite, adding it to your list of favorite projects (Figure 1-4)
A summary of completion rates are also included with a breakdown of the following (Figure 1-5):
- Not Started - The number of participants who have not started their course
- In Progress - The number of participants who are in progress
- On Track - The number of participants who are meeting their assignment deadlines
- Overdue - The number of participants who have not completed an assignment (or assignments) following the assignment deadline(s)
- Completed*** - number of participants who have completed all assignments within a course
*You can email the Project Administrator through your personal email by selecting their name. **Integrated Blanchard products, such as integrated assessments or eLearning modules, will not be accessible in this view. If you don't already have access to these products as a Learner and need access to them, an Administrator for your organization will need to assign a set of credits to you in order to set you up as a Learner. ***Please be aware that the completion rates are based on an entire course, and not just prework. Some courses may contain additional fieldwork assignments and even post-session resources that can be tracked by Blanchard Exchange following training events. The "On Track" indicator will provide the best summary indication of overall assignment completions based on deadlines. |
The project overview screen also includes icons to access additional project details:
- Participants (Figure 2-1)
- Events (Figure 2-2)
- Assessments (Figure 2-3)
- Communications (Figure 2-4)
- Reports (Figure 2-5)
Participants: Displays the roster of participants associated with the project. The following information is displayed for each user:
- Their name
- The date they were initially invited to the course associated with the project
- The date of the last email communication sent to the user
- The last time the user visited the course associated with the project
- The overall completion status for the course
Individual assignment completion details are displayed by selecting the + sign (Figure 3-1) to the left of a user's name. Additionally, you can see expanded completion details by selecting the Show details option (Figure 3-2) at the top of the user's progress - this will display the date that the assignment completion was recorded and will even show quiz scores for assets such as LEARN Self-Study from The SLII ExperienceTM.
Also note that if the project contains the LBAII Self and/or DISC Profile Online assessments, and the individual learner has complete the assessment(s), the feedback report(s) for the learner will be directly accessible on the bottom of their assignment progress (reports for the entire group can also be pulled by following the directions at the bottom of this article under the Reports tab details).
Events: If calendar invitations are enabled on the project, this screen will display the responses recorded (Accept/Tentative/Decline) for each learner and each live event associated with the project (Figure 4).
Communications: This section provides a record of scheduled communications (previously sent as well as upcoming communications) and also displays the recorded communication history for the project.
To see a list of communications that have been scheduled, select the Scheduled Tasks sub-tab. To see the actual communication history in terms of the email subjects/bodies as well as the recipients, select the Communication History sub-tab.
The following columns will be displayed:
- WHEN - Indicates when the email was sent.
- NUMBER OF RECIPIENTS - The number of recipients who were sent the communication.
- RECIPIENTS* - Indicates whether the communication was sent to a single individual or a group.
- SCHEDULED - Displays whether the communication was manually triggered by an administrator, or was instead scheduled to be automatically sent.
*To see the exact contents of the email that was sent, select the recipient under the Recipients column (Figure 5):
- If the recipient is a single individual, selecting their name will display the communication that was sent.
- If the recipient is a group of individuals, select Group. A new window will display all of the individual recipients in that group - select any of the individual recipients to see the communication that was sent.
Reports: This screen will provide project-level reporting and will even allow you to download all feedback reports if the project contains the integrated LBAII Self and/or DISC Profile assessments (note: the LAPII Online Assessment does not currently provide this feature):
- Project Status: See your group and participant’s status by individual activities.
- SLII Challenge*: View progress in terms of the number of SLII Challenges that have been completed.
- All reports (pdf-file)*: a single PDF file that batches all available feedback reports together. This makes it easy to print all feedback reports.
- All reports (zip file)*: creates a ZIP file of all of the feedback reports together in case you need to email individual reports to another individual.
*Indicates this report will only be available if the product is being used within the project.