The Trainer Portal is an interface designed to provide Blanchard Exchange project information in a simple mobile format, providing remote device flexibility for on-the-go trainers as well as others who need to quickly access project details.
This project information can include details such as learner progress, assignment details, access to integrated assessment feedback reports, calendar invitation tracking, and even a preview of the course from the learner-perspective.
The interface has been designed with mobile/tablet devices in mind, but is also easily accessible from desktops and laptops.
Access to the Trainer Portal is granted through two methods:
1. By individual project/course: an administrator for your organization will assign you to specific projects/courses. A project includes the course/materials provided to learners, the roster of learners, and can even include live event details. Any individual projects in which you've been added as a "Team Member" will be listed under the "By Session" (lists the live training events associated with the assigned projects) and "By Course" navigation tabs of the Trainer Portal.
2. At the account-level: an administrator for your organization will provide you access to see all project details with your organization's Blanchard Exchange account.
The administrator(s) for your organization will decide which option above is appropriate.
If you are already logged into Blanchard Exchange in a different interface, such as the Learner Portal, you may toggle to the Trainer Portal interface by finding the Portal Toggle in the upper right-hand corner of the screen (will list the name of the portal that you are currently visiting, such as "Learner Portal") and select the Trainer Portal.