Note: If you are an Administrator for a Blanchard Exchange account, this article will provide you a summary of information that is available to a user with the "Read-Only Access" role. |
Good news! You have been set up for Read-Only Access to a Blanchard Exchange account! This role will provide you with the ability to access the following information in the Blanchard Exchange Corporate Portal:
- View project information, such as learner completion rates.
- A "preview" of live courses as they appear to learners.
- Access to view both project-level and account-level reporting.
- Access to view both course templates and email templates enabled and/or created within the account.
- Access to the Trainer Portal (for information on using the Trainer Portal, please click here)
After logging in, you'll be greeted with the following tabs:
- Home (Default)
- Projects - Access all projects within an account.
- Users - View a list of all users associated with the account.
- Library - See what Blanchard materials are enabled along with access to both course templates and email templates enabled on an account.
- Reports - View all account-level reports.
Take note of the "Support" button on the right-hand side of the screen. Selecting this button will open a window to search out Knowledgebase and even submit a ticket to our Technical Support team for assistance.
Continue reading below for a breakdown of these tabs.
This screen is the default screen you will see when first accessing the Corporate Portal. This screen provides the following sections:
- Manage Projects (Figure 1-1)- If you have marked any projects as favorites, this section will provide direct links to access those project details. For information on how to mark a project as a favorite, review the "Projects" section below.
- Blanchard Exchange Updates (Figure 1-2)- This section shows the latest important update related to new Blanchard Exchange features, as well as other important information related to updates.
- Blanchard Exchange Support Contact (Figure 1-3)- This section will provide you with the Blanchard Exchange Support Contact listed on the account. If you have any questions related to your access and/or using the interface, please contact your Support Contact for assistance.
The Projects screen lists all projects in the account. By default, you will see all projects set to "Active". If an Administrator has archived any projects, you can access those archived project details by selecting "Archived". There is also a search field to search by project name if the initial list of projects is too extensive.
The Projects screen also provides the following information/features:
- "Star" (Figure 2-1) - Each project lists a star next to the project name. Selecting this star will mark the star in gold, indicating this project is now marked as a favorite. Projects marked as favorites will also display under the "Manage Projects" section of your Home screen. To remove a project as a favorite, simply click the star, again.
- Project Name (Figure 2-2) - This is the name of the project entered by the Administrator. Selecting the Project Name of a specific project will take you to the Project Overview screen for that project.
- # Added (Figure 2-3)- This displays the number of learners who have been added to a project (note that this does not necessarily mean the number of learners who have been sent an invitation).
- # Invited (Figure 2-4) - This displays the number of learners who have been sent an email invitation.
After selecting a project name, you will be taken to the Project Overview screen for that project. The Project Overview screen provides a snapshot of group progress, the roster of learners associated with that project, an option for viewing individual progress, as well as access to the project's "Design" tab (for previewing a course) and the projects "Reports" tab.
Participants Tab (Project Overview)
A snapshot of participant progress can be seen above the list of learners.
Scroll down in your project to see the complete roster of learners. To view individual completion status, select the plus icon next to a learner for more details regarding specific assignment completion (Figure 3).
Design Tab (Project Overview)
The Design tab provides an option to "Preview Layout". Selecting this button will take you to a preview of a course as it appears to the learners associated with the project. Most basic product types such as documents and even videos will be accessible to you in this preview.
Note: Integrated Blanchard products, such as integrated assessments or eLearning modules, will not be accessible in this view. If you need to see these products, you will need to assign a set of credits to yourself and add yourself as a Participant to a project. |
Reports Tab (Project Overview)
To see a detailed breakdown of group activity, go to the Reports tab and select one of the following reports:
Project Status: See your group and participant’s status by individual activities.
*SLX Learn the SLII Model Online-report for current project (*available for projects with this product): View invitation and access progress for the Learn the SLII Model Lesson.
*SLII Challenge (*available for projects with this product): View progress in terms of the number of SLII Challenges that have been completed
The Users tab provides a list of all individuals associated with the account, including Learners, Trainers, and others will Administrative access.
The top of the Users screen includes a search field to search by a user's name or email address.
Selecting a user's name will take you to their profile screen where you can see all projects that user is associated with as a learner. There is also a tab for "Roles" to show any projects where that user may be associated as a team member, such as a Project Trainer.
Note: You may see a list of individuals that have a listed name of "(Name not set yet)". This is typical of an account that uses the Learn the SLII Model Online product. Learners are instructed to invite their team members for access to this product, but are only required to enter email addresses. Once these invited members access Blanchard Exchange the first time, they will enter their name. |
The Library lists all Blanchard products enabled on an account along with any custom files that have been loaded by an Administrator.
Select "Email Templates" on the left-hand side to pull up a list of all generic and customized email templates available to the account (Figure 4-1). Clicking on an email template's name will take you to a screen to view the subject line and body of the template.
Select "Course Templates" on the left-hand side to pull up a list of all generic and customized course templates available to the account (Figure 4-2). To view a course template as it would appear to a learner, click on the course name, and then select "Preview" in the upper right-hand corner of the next page (Figure 5).
Note: Integrated Blanchard products, such as integrated assessments or eLearning modules, will not be accessible in this view. If you need to see these products, you will need to assign a set of credits to yourself and add yourself as a Participant to a project. |
The Reports screen lists all account-level reports available. Select a report's name to run the report:
Credit Balances: See a list of credits purchased, available, used, and expired for all Blanchard products. Note that some courses included products that have higher credit counts on certain products (such as Learn the SLII Model Lesson) compared to the number of credits you order for learners. Also note that some products can be used in multiple course designs.
Product completion: See an account breakdown of all participants and individual completion rates on all products
Project status overview: See basic details about all created projects such as the number of added or invited participants