Blanchard Exchange - General Support
View general support information and frequently asked questions regarding the Blanchard Exchange Participant Portal.
- I forgot my password for Blanchard Exchange
- Video displays MEDIA_ERR_UNKNOWN
- I encountered an error message stating "This video is no longer available".
- Where do I go to log in?
- I received a "MissingKeyMissing Key-Pair-Id query parameter or cookie value" error message
- Why are my PDFs corrupted when saving?
- Videos will not play for me.
- Why do I see someone else's name when logging in?
- I didn't receive an email to access Blanchard Exchange - what do I do?
- I am assigned to more than one course - how do I access my other courses?
- When editing interactive PDFs, I get a "Windows cannot access the specified device path or file...." message.
- I see a message "Sorry, something is broken." when attempting to access my course.
- Blanchard Exchange Technical Requirements
- Tutorial - Learner Portal Orientation Video
- Tutorial - Archiving courses on the Learner Portal